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Monday, July 10, 2017

How to get rid of body fat

      The human body is made up of fat, this fat include the essential body fat and storage fat. The essential body fat is used to maintain life making it important and it is also used in reproductive function.
     Excess body fat is when there are more than the required or needed body fat in the human body, although the body stores fat, over a period of tine you begin to experience rapid and mass increase in your weight. If this continues it reaches the level in which it becomes a danger to you, you lose your body shape  and also may experience some health issues or problems like obesity, high blood pressure, high blood sugar content and much more.

    Obesity is one of the problems this post will be focusing on the most and as well touching other related issue.

Habit that causes excessive weight gain  

  •    Eat late.           
    This is when we eat at night because it's an habit not because we are hungry, if you were to keep track of all you eat at bed time for one week, you should notice a pattern, you may be consuming something sweet and high in calories, if you feel you must eat something, then GI for a piece of fruit instead.

  •   Sleeping poorly
      If you don't have any set time to go to bed, your body chemistry may go out of synch, this create hormonal imbalance that trick you into believing you will only be satisfied if you eat.

  •  Eating while distracted
   Flopping down on the couch to watch TV after a long day may be relaxing but before long you may begin to snack without paying attention to what you are consuming.
   The American Journal of clinical nutrition conducted a study that revealed distract result Ina person eating so 80% more calories.

  •  Stress and anxiety
   This is extremely common and is doing a lot of damages. It can increase your weight and disrupt your quality of life, when experiencing these feelings, we are comforted with emotional hunger, And when this happen, we tend to eat more.
   Our immediate urge is to relieve this distress by eating sweet or junk food.

  •    Eating quickly
       As you all know everyone try to manage there time hereby doing things a hurry, we are a mobile society and eat on run and in mist case we don't take our time to chew our food properly, if we did, we would be more satisfied by feeling fukk. It generally suppose to take 20 minute to eat if we chew each bite slowly.

  •  Being sedentary/ lack exercise.
    If we live in the wildwest and ride horses and walked more, we would
Wouldn't fall victim to a sedentary lifestyle, this one of the major factors in the global epidemic of obesity, when we sit we eat, then fat beginscto creep around our mid section and we aren't so eager to get involved in physical activity.

  • skipping breakfast
    If we don't manage to grap something on the way out the door to work or school, we may just skip breakfast entirely. Most dicticians and healthcare professionals agre e that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
  Our food in the morning activates our metabolism and once that switch is turned on, it tends to stay powered up all day without a good metabolism rate, it's nearly impossible to burn calories.

  •  Consuming excessive salt
    An accumulation of salt isn't good for weight buy it can also cause fluid retention, when there's too much fluid, this may have a negative impact on your blood pressure.

  •  Not consuming enough water.
     Our kidney, among other organ have difficult functioning proper when they don't have enough water, Though this, toxins can accumulate.

  •  Consuming daily dessert.
    Normally dessert were meant for Sunday evening and special occasion but nowadays dessert has become a daily food, Having daily dessert is another form of consuming excess sugar and this sugar calories rapidly burn into fat.

  •    Consuming daily alcohol.
   Having a drink or few with dinner can quickly become a fast and steady habit, IRS easy to justify this, when you have had a long day or maybe you just feel like you deserve it, cause the alcohol just take your mind off the trouble and losen you up for a good time however all alcohol and calories are basically sugar and all is going straight into your belly, it nearly impossible to lose fat on the note that you are consuming alcohol daily, alcohol suppresses fat burning hormone and promote fat storing hormones.

   Solution to excessive body fat

  •  stop eating late at night and if you feel you must eat something then select a piece of fruit instead.  when you are watching movies on your laptop or TV, make sure that snacks don't mysteriously join you.
  • if you are going through a lot of stores and anxiety and you feel you must eat, then try to first consume a piece of fruit with water or tea.
  • if you are going through a lot of stores and anxiety, and you feel you must eat, then try to first consume a piece of fruit with water or tea.
  •  Don't just sit and eat, get involve in physical activities, make it a goal to avoid much idleness, do some exercise and you will be surprised by the pound you are able to shed.
  •  Breakfast is the most important food of the day so don't skip it, your  breakfast should include protein, a small portion of a healthy fat food and combined complex carbohydrates. This help in good metabolism rate and without this it nearly impossible to burn fat.
  •  Excessive salt and sugar is not a good thing so avoid both, you should instead go with adding flavour by trying out other ways to spice up your meal.
  • without water toxin can accumulate to stay healthy and hydrated, expert suggest drinking at least 2 liters of water daily, this would lead to better elimination of water and also prevent excess fluid buildup. Another way to stay hydrated is to drink tea or natural juices, consuming carbonated beveragesvis not a good source of fluid, this would only lead to weight gain because if their high level of sugar.
  • Excessive alcohol is a bad habit and it is nearly impossible to lose weight with it, so stop excessive drinking, reside alcohol to only festive period and special occasions, rather take tea and natural juices or fruits.
   At times fat don't spread evenly thereby gathering at some part of the body making that place look puffy/swollen and big.
   Bellow are some of the places where fat may gather;

  Beneath the eye

   Excessive fat and puffiness around the neck.

  Belly FAT

   Chest fat.

    Fat also gather around other places in the body like arm, lap an more.

Click here to watch videos on how to reduce body fat, exercises and meal plan
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  1. Good post but update them, i didnt find what i wanted in it


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