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Monday, August 7, 2017

Lerikale How to get rid of back fat

             Back fat

 Click here to check the video on how to get rid of back fat with exercises that you can perform

Before you rid thos post, I advice you to read our post on: how to get rid of body fat.

   Most people that have belly fat also have back fat and after getting rid of their belly fat, they think that all to it, this is usually due to the reason that the front part of the body is the one you see most of the time when you take a look at the mirror.
   Check your back as well and if you find pit that you are also having back fat or your back muscles are falling part then you have to pay close attention to this post as it will be providing solution to it.

   Well if you have back fat there is three major problem associated with it;

   The insulin, if you have been reading our past post, you will find out that insulin is actually an hormone that makes the muffin top and it can extend around the back.
   Then you also have the cortisol, cortisol is a stress hormone, this will also cause the muffin top around the waist.
   This third one is actually common and most people don't take note of this, this is atrophy of your muscle and your back, a lot of people neglect the back muscles simply because they don't see their back, they see the front so they are doing the sit up and the front muscle work out but the back is just as important as the front so it is a really key thing to strengthen the back also to be it to make sure we get rid of that excess fatat the back.

If you feel it belly fat that you really have most problem with, check our post on how to get rid of belly fat

  Solution to getting rid of excess back fat.

 To get rid of back fat, first we have to make sure we fix the insulin problem. To do this, you must and sure stop excess snacking. Snacking increases the insulin level and also 4,5 and 6 meals a day is really a bad habit if you already have back fat. So just avoid snacking and eat 3 meals a day, this will put you in a fat burning state. You have to avoid excess sugar. Hidden sugar are found in bread, pasta, cereal, cracker, discus, wafers, pancake, muffin, soda, juice and that does include alcohol and yogurt, this contain a lot sugar and increases your overall weight in little time.

   Now let talk about the cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone, when you are under a lot of stress and your tolerance for stress is low, people get on your nerves easily, you don't get to sleep that well, then you get belly far and it warps around, this gets to the back as well and causes the back fat. How to fix this is to get rid of this 3 main stresses.
   First of all the body stress. Your body is lik a sponge. It hold stress, it accumulate stress over time, well so unfortunately time does not heal stress. You can try the stress extraction tool to remove body stress. Most people don't know about this but a stress extraction tool exist, you can buy it and use it, so every night you go to sleep you can make sure you never go to sleep stressed but stress free, using this what we are trying to achieve is we want release the points, the epicenter of all the stress in your body.
    At times, people are the main cause of the stress, so what you do is look at your environment and point out the people that stress you out the most, you then either avoid them or deal with them or improve the situation.
   TV can also be the source of the stress, the news, if the source of the stress is TV then don't watch the news too frequently, it's just recycled sensation back over and over, they are taking this one trying to con different spin at different ways different angles, it okay to get the news but just make site you don't jeep watching the same point over and over.

   Now let look at the nutritional factor, thee are two main nutrient that will help lower cortisol Vitamin B1, this is very important because you are under stress, you deplete vitamin B1, B1 releases stress, it make you feel calm, it also increases your tolerance to stress and lot of people are deficient in B1. This is mainly because are eating so many grain and refined sugar, the best source of B1 would be nutritional yeast, take a teaspoon a day, it effect is fast so you will feel the difference very soon.
  The second one is potassium, potassium is goof for lowering both insulin and cortisol. Potassium can be found in a lot if greens, so you can eat vegetables but you can not lower cortisol by doing a high protein diet or anything like that, you need to add the green because potassium us the physiological tranquilizer, it is a calming mineral just like calcium but potassium you need much more.

   Finally the third one to take note of is the exercise. There are basically four exercise that I am going to recommend in this post.
   The first one deals with the extensors in the flute. Now if you think of it, people are doing the sit up, they are doing sit up to get rid of their back fat but they don't reverse the flow, so what you will be doing us the opposite. We want to work on the extensors, the extensors are flute and also part of your back muscles.

  •  You will lay down with your hand to elbow touching the ground, all your other body part will stay off the ground except that you toes would be touching the ground. 
  • Then start taking your leg off up like you are trying to kick the balk with the back of your leg, do thus quickly changing from one leg to the other. 
You can do this as long as you can, if you get fatigued rest for about two to four minutes and do another set until you get fatigued again.
  The next exercise is the side push up. Most of you are familiar with pushup so it would be easy to get this. But unlike the regular pushup that you do, you will do this one on your side, with your waist been the one doing the pushup and not your entire body, with this you Won't get tired easily and you will achieve the aim of doing it. It really a great motion that lot of people do not even consider that they can do or they never really work out, they work on one dimensional sit up, so this gives you another dimension, this will really help tone waist weight.

          Side pushup

   The third one is called the side position and hold, this us the one you get on your side like the side push up but you hold your hand up for as long as you can then you go on to the next hand, you can go back and forth, this will help create stability, it kind of like a yoga move but it actually build up your core which is the mid section.

   The final exercise is called the back arch, this is just the direct opposite of the sit up, it is also really good for the low back pain. You lay on your stomach and arch back and again, you will probably do a set of 10 to 15, make sure you rest for maybe four minute between every set, what you are trying to archive dong this is to work the back, get the tone back, we are not necessarily burning calories doing this, we are getting the muscle to be more tone, to develop the back muscles because that is the most area that people don't work and the back muscles start to fall apart.
   Note that when you do this exercise you will still end up burning calories but the aim is not necessarily burning calories.

   Follow this and you back will be back with a even better shap and figure.

Click here to see the video to lose back fat better

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Item Reviewed: How to get rid of back fat Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Lerikale