Note that you can check our video for better understanding of the exercises
Are you thinking of staying fit, if so, then you must to get rid of those body fat, this doesn't mean that you should get rid of the entire fat in your body, no, it simply mean that you should get rid of those excess fat in the body, those fat that makes you look puffy and out of shape. In all our previous post, we have written on how to get rid or reduce the following:
Our all body fat
Fat around the neck
Back fat
Belly fat
Arm and armpit fat
the face fat.
This post will be centered on how to reduce your butt fat in an easy, fast and simple way. Many people can get pain in the knee when doing standard butt exercises such as squats and lunges or the exercise may be too hard for them to perform due to some reasons. Common squat and lunges can make your training and difficult especially if you don't know any other glute exercises that are so effective, since your quadriceps, hamstring and glute play big role when it comes to healthy knees. This post will show you some exercises that will help you support your knees by making them stronger and at the same time reduce your buttock fat.
The following exercises bellow are the best butt exercises I have come across and the step by step way of carrying them out:
leg raise.
Leg raise to the rear really gets rid of the butt fat fast, it focus on the abb, waist and underarm fat.Start with plank position with elbow and foot on the floor, ensure your kegs straighten and tight in your abbs.
- Raise your right leg up and squeeze your flutes.
- Change to your left leg and do the same.
- Do this as long as you can, take a break when you feel tired but if you are doing it with other exercises then do this for 15rep for 3 sets.
Plank with lateral kick
This is a but fat losing move that also tone your abbs and cone.- Start with a low plank position with elbow and toes touching the floor, tighten your abbs and leg straighten.
- Do full extension of leg kick to your side.
- Perform for 15 reps and switch to the second leg for another 15reps.
- Do it for 3 sets, takes long rest and try it again or change to any other exercises.
Side line leg shift
Line side leg raise will focus butt, inner and outer thigh fat lose, you can wear ankle weight to challenge as advance exercise.- Line down on your side with your leg extended, your head rested on your lower arm and another arm to place in front on floor for balancing.
- Raise the top leg up and hold for a while before bringing it down
- Do this for 15 reps on one side and repeat on the other side.
- Don't forget to do this for 3 sets
This exercise target far looses on the butt and back of waist. This exercise is good for getting rid of butt and back fat.Lie on your body, stomach facing the floor mat and arm straighten
- With your arm and leg extended lift them up above the ground for 2 seconds I.e arch for 2 second and then cone down.
- Do this for 15 reps for 3 sets.
Froggy glute lift
This move is a real buttock fat burner, it help you lose butt fat easily and on time i.e with little exercise, a large outcome is obtained.
- Lay down with your forearm on the floor to balance and leg at angle 90° squeezing the toga ball with leg.
- You will need to squeeze your glutes you raise your leg then go down.
Clam shells
This work into the sides of your butt fat which other exercises often find quite hard to target. Do this exercise slowly and carefully just to perfect your form first.
- Lay down on your side, slightly bend your knee with your head rest on lower arm and another arm to place in front on the floor for balancing.
- With your ankle touching together rise your knee up like a clamshell while also squeezing your glute muscles.
- Do this for 15 reps for 3 set and once you can perform in good form, do this with resistance band to challenge yourself.
Resistance band monster walks
This burn glute and thigh fat as you slice spot with resistance band, Just take a slight slide with resistance band applied to your leg, this engage the glute the whole time you step sideway.
- Step sideway to your left then to your right, also walk forward once you are ready.
- Ensure your leg is open when walking forward, check your surrounding to make sure it harm free.
Glute Bridges
Glute bridge best work on your hamstrings, it stabilizes your knee and also help burn thigh fat.
- Lay down on your body facing up i.e your back touching the ground, both arm straighten by your side, balance your knee bend almost 90°, to do this you must be lifting your body up and only your foir and your upper back will be touching the floor.
- Focus your waist and squeeze glute when rising upward and hold a while before bringing it down.
- Repeat for 15 reps or 3 sets.
The known squat butt workout can still focus fat loss on your glute while helping to improve leg strength. If you burn butt fact while you still have body fat may not look nicer, so it is important that you lose body fat first in order to lose butt and thigh fat, so you can add the stated exercises to your routine as well, you can do exercises to burn upper, mid and lower body fat such as gum, swimming, speed walking, jogging and you can also practise home yoga or class.
If you find it hard understanding this post, go ahead and check the video and m sure you will get going in no time.
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