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Friday, September 15, 2017

Cucumber lemon mint ginger drink recipe for weight loss

                Lemon Cucumber recipe

   This drink will help you achieve a flat belly in just a short period of time. This is one of the best drink(if not the best) for losing belly fat.

   Sometimes, having extra fat stored in your abdominal area can be due to typical abdominal seedling fluid retention and this make you look as if you have gained alot of weight. Using thus recipe, you will reduce that belly fat easily.


  1. Cucumbers (Medium size)
  2. Mint leave(10 leave)
  3. Lemon(1 lemon)
  4. Ginger(2 tablespoon of grated ginger)
  5. Water(2 liter)

                Mint ginger drink

  • Pour a cup of water into a small pot and put the ten mint leave inside.
  • Put the pot on the cooker and boil.
  • After boiling, put it down and allow it to cool.
  • Take your lemon and slice it into two, also, take one out of the two half and slice it into four.
  • Take the unsliced half of the lemon and squeeze it into the boiled mint leave water, take the bitten of the sliced lemon and squeeze it into the mixture as well.
  • Take you cucumber, wash, peel and blend it.
  • After blending, pour it into the earlier mixture and mix it well.
  • It means that we have min leave, lemon, Cucumber in the mixture.
  • Add a liter or half liter of spring water or boiled lake water, if you have  non of the two, just use the normal water.
  • Now add the two tablespoon of grated ginger.
  • Finally, put the remaining 3 slice of lemon into the mixture.  Plus, you can add more mint leave into the mixture if you want.

    This drink best work in the morning or evening before you eat.

If you are using our ultimate weight loss tool, you don't need the addition information above.

  I hope this recipe worked like a charm for you, let us know the outcome, post your comments in the comment box or our facebook page. Thank you

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  1. I'm starting to love your blog, keep it up. The video did provide a lot of help.

  2. Next time please provide a link to the 'ultimate weight loss tool', lovely post. can't wait to try it out.

    1. The tool is still under construction, subscribe to our blog to know when the tool is ready

  3. Nothing about the tool, the purchase link is not even working.


Item Reviewed: Cucumber lemon mint ginger drink recipe for weight loss Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Lerikale