Chia seed are not something new to those who are into weight loss, chia seeds are tiny black or white seeds which come from a flowering plant called Saliva Hispanics which is related to the mint family.
Don't be fooled by the size, chia seed contain a lot of nutritional values. In fact chia seed come from the 'Mayan' word meaning strength and these seeds were important food for the Aztecs and Mayans. It was known for it's fuel performance and provided long lasting energy, they are also used for medicinal purposes, rich in nutrient and so easy to use. They can be eaten raw, soaked in juice, added to porridge, pudding and baking goods and even included in your smoothies, breakfast, yogurts, salad and veggie dishes. They also have the amazing ability to absorb water and fat so they can be used to thicken sauces or as vegan egg substitute in recipes.
Bellow are the amazing benefit of chia seed to health:
They are great fiber source, a mere 28g or a single ounce serving of chia contains 11g of dietary fiber, that around a third of the recommended daily consumption for adults. Incorporating chia seed into your diet is a great way to make certain that you are consuming a decent amount of fiber which is vital for digestive health. With this, you eat less, you eat decent food and get the required energy to live through your day.
These chia seeds have the ability to reduce craving by preventing some of the food you've just eaten from getting absorbed, this obstruction of calories from being absorbed qualifies them as an excellent diet and without the harmful side effect.
Chia seeds are great antioxidant. Chia seeds have a high antioxidant capacity that can stop up to 70% of free radical activity and it has the three times the antioxidant activity compared to blue berries.
Chia seed support healthy bone, Gram for Gram, chia seed have more calcium than most diary products, providing 18% of the recommended dietary allowance for adult in a single ounce. It also contains important bone nutrient like calcium, phosphorus magnesium and protein. Adding Chia seeds to your diet ensures that you are maintaining bond as well as dental health, not to mention averting osteoporosis.
Chia seed are considered one of the top source of omega 3 fatty acids with almost 5g in a ounce serving. They are abundant in poly unsaturated fats which included Omega 3. They are the most abundant plant fat that protect against inflammation, heart disease and Arthritis. As a matter of fact they have up to 8.7 times more Omega 3 remains than salmon.
Chia seed are great source of plant protein, which is high, compared to most plants. A diet high in protein has shown to help reduce appetite, improve muscle repair and even curb night time snacking by 50%.
They are good for the digestive system. The fiber in chia seed also help to support your digestive system. Feeding the bacteria in the intestine which helps them to thrive and nourish, your body get the essential compounds for immunity and overall health.
Chia seed also help to detoxify the body as the highest combined plant source of Omega 3, Fiber and protein. Chia seeds are a great addition to your detoxification efforts. They help to support your body natural detoxification pathway, repair your cells, reduce inflammation.
This is a plus benefit, chia seed are natural beauty food. The blend of nutrient in chia seed such as healthy fat proteins and mineral, including zinc help to promote healthy skin, hair and nails.
Chia seed can enhance mood, they continued the amino acid tryptophan which help improve and regulate appetite, sleep and mood.
Chia seeds have been observed to enhance blood pressure level among diabetics and may also raise healthy cholesterol while decreasing total LDLS as well as triglyceride cholesterol. In his gel coating which develops when soaked in a liquid, it can also advert blood sugar spike since chia seeds slow down how quickly the body breakers down carbohydrate into simple sugars. Studies show that they can regulate blood sugar. For people who are bloodline diabetic or have history of heart problems, you could do well to the preemptive measures by consuming heart healthy foods such as chia seeds.
Chia seed are suitable for low carb diet. If you are watching your carbohydrate intake then chia seed is best for you, the net carb content is only 1g per ounce which is really low, plus chia seed contains so much fiber they can help you stay full for longer, support lose of weight or simply curbing those hunger pangs.
Chia seed can reduce your risk of colon cancer with its 36% fiber content. Chia help Lower cholesterol, improve intestinal health and regularity and can reduce the risk of colon cancer.
Chia seed can combat ugly belly fat, chia seed steadily control blood sugar which can track the use of insulin which will be required to stop roller coaster sugar effect, this has all been linked to ugly belly fat, chia seed form a gel in your stomach making you feel full for longer which can reduce your calorie intake, this helps in slowing down digestion particularly the process of converting carbs to sugar. Abdominal fat has been linked to an unhealthy lifestyle which is why food are quickly becoming more popular in the health and fitness industries.
Chia seeds are easy to get and can be found in most supermarket, buy it, try it out and start eating healthy.
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