Exercise to help you lose arm or armpit fat.

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Before you read this post I suggest that you read our post on how to lose body fat.
Did you lose body fat but still found some fat around your arm or your armpit, at times they look puffy sweat alot and you feel some pain when you carry out a costant motion over time, they can look irritating and extremely annoying. well, there are exercises that could help you get rid of this fat fast and quick.
If you want to lose armpit fat fast, it good to use weight that works the triceps, biceps, shoulders and also making circular motion. Use this tool for about 45 minute a day, burn more calories than you take in.
Bellow are the few exercise that can help you get rid of that armpit fat and give you that desired body shape.
Arm plunge exercise
- Stand upright with the thighs leg and feet away.
- Stress your arm out to the side with your arm facing forward.
- In a sweeping motion dip your arms down turning your palm toward the rear.
- Bring tour arm back up, palm toward the sky and elbow slightly toward the floor.
- Repeat this two motion in rapid succession, try this twenty times.
- Bring your arm down at your side and relax for 10 to 15 seconds.
- I advice you to repeat this exercise 8 to 10 times everyday.
Arm rotation exercise
- Stand upright with your feet slightly apart.
- Stretch your hand at each side Jeeping them parallel to the floor.
- Ball your fist
- Start turning your fist to get your Hans moving in a clockwise direction with fast movement, do this until you have rotated the arms 20 times.
- Bring your arm down at your side and relax for 15seconds
- Repreat this exercise 10 or 15 times, also do this twice a day or more often as you can.
Side to side rolling planks

- Lay on the ground with your palm and toes alone touching the ground.
- Then raise one of your arm up s high as you can lift them, bring it down and do the same for the other hand as well.
- Do this for 30 seconds, relax for some seconds and try it again.
- You should probably do it twice a day for better result.
Running punches
- Do rapid punching for about 30second
- Lift your knees up while punching with each of your fist.
- Take a rest for about 15seconds and repeat the two step above again.
Jumping jacks
- Stand upright with your legs together and hands by your side.
- Then slip your leg and close back in rapid succession
- Whilst you doing the steps above, also raise your hand above your head touch each other, as if you are claping above but above your head, also do this in rapid succession.
- Do this for 30 seconds then followed by a 15 minute rest.
- Repeat the process again as long as you can.
Upside down Namaste
- Stand with arm outstretched to the sky straight over your head
- Bend your arms behind your head, bring your palm together in an upside down namaste position and push your palm down flexing your arm.
- With your arm still together, bring the arms so that the palm are level with the center of your head.
- Repeat these two movement in rapid succession twenty times.
- Bring your arm down to your side and relax for 15 seconds.
- Repeat the exercise 10 to 15 times and also do these exercise twice a day.
- Stand upright with leg beside each other and your hands by your side
- Take one of your leg forward and bend the other knee almost touching the ground.
- Make sure your hands are also moved forward parallel to the ground as you move your leg.
- Do the same for the second leg, continue to do this in rapidly for 30seconds
- Take some rest for about 10 seconds
- Try the exercise again for as long as you can.
Push and pull exercise

- Stand with thighs and leg part part and down slightly so that the buttock are projecting backward, you should look like you are going to sit on a chair.
- Lift your arms diagonally in front of you and immediately bring your arms down to your sides.
- Repeat these two movement in rapid succession 20 times, the movement must stimulate pushing and pulling at something situated diagonally at the top of your head.
- Stand back and rest your arm st your side for 20seconds.
- Repeat the exercise for about 10 times and also twice a day.
Push and stress elbow exercise
- Stand upright with your feet slightly apart.
- Stretch your arm out to the sides
- Ball your hand into fist rotating your elbow and fiat level with the armpit.
- Push your elbow back so that his fist face front
- Immediately open your elbow and stretch your arms to the sides again.
- Repeat the steps quickly and repeatedly 20 times.
- Bring your arm at your sides and relax for 15 seconds.
- Repeat the exercise 10 to 15 tines, do this exercise twice a day for proper result.
Scissors exercise
- Stand upright with your leg and your feet apart.
- Stretch your Hans in front of you in the shape of the letter "V"
- Bring the arm to cross each other in the shape of the letter "X"
- Go back and front between the V and X position for about 20 times.
- Rest your arm at your side and relax for 10 to 20 times and also perform the exercise twice a day.
Most importantly, don't forget that you can't lose arm fat when you are harbouring the habit that causes body fat in general.
All note that if you are experiencing overall body fat then I would advice you to take exercises or read our post on how to get rid of body fat, it usually occurs that when you lose body fat, you also lose arm fat or other part fats.
Start eating healthy stay away from alcohol, excess sugar and all other foods that can lead to excess weight gain.
Try out any of this exercise and get amazing result. Don't over stress your body, just do the one you feel can work for you.
Try out any of this exercise and get amazing result. Don't over stress your body, just do the one you feel can work for you.
let us knw how it helped and the result.
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